
So… my, uh, eating habits have tanked.  Having started eating paleo in February, I have now attempted my first holiday season.  I’m not proud of the results.  I’m not going to point any fingers.  I mean, I have mentioned my new eating habits to a special relative who went ahead and sent a dozen Wolferman’s English muffins anyway.  And now that I’m working a full time job plus extra doesn’t help.  But no, I’m taking full responsibility here.

It was never about weight.  Ok, I did update my wardrobe and felt great about how I looked.  The killer was when I went out over Christmas break to buy some fat pants only to find that two weeks later, one of them was already too tight.  But still.  It’s not about the weight.

Here’s the reason I want to go back in the cave.  It’s about how I feel.  Physically, my hormones have gone out of balance.  I’ve experienced some cramping and headaches.  My digestive system is suffering, my energy is drained, and  I’ve even had some concerns about my circulation.  And don’t get me started about the allergies! 

I’ve had a few Zyto Scans confirm these physical issues.  If you’re not familiar with zyto technology, it is a biofeedback system similar to a lie detector.  It is an excellent tool to find out what your body needs.  Young Living products can be recommended via the Zyto Scan.

These products have helped, but nothing is as powerful as the food we constantly fill our bodies with.  Food can be medicine or poison.

The other problem I’ve noticed with my decline in eating habits is that my emotions have been heavily affected.  I feel more vulnerable and unable to navigate difficult situations.  Back in March, I was brimming with confidence.  I was happier.

I was perfectly content with my food choices in the cave.  It’s time to go back.  I’m thinking cold turkey will be the best way.  Goodbye grains and sugar and dairy!