Ningxia Wolfberries

One of the concerns I have heard about the paleo diet is that it must be fiber deficient.   Doesn’t fiber come from grains? If you’re talking about the gut irritating kind, then yes. Hello fruits and veggies! The paleo diet is not fiber deficient.

Young Living has encorporated one such fiber-packed whole food, the Ningxia wolfberry into many of its nutritional supplements. Its most popular wolfberry product is NingXia Red, a power-packed essential oil infused juice. It is available in large bottles and convenient single serving pouches. Throw them in lunch boxes and take them on the go!

The wolfberry is found in a small region of China. Medicinal use dates back to the Ming Dynasty (1468-1664), where its uses are documented in Ben Zao Gen Mo, a physician’s handbook. In China today wolfberries are prescribed for liver and kidney deficiencies, diabetes, and vision problems.

So what’s the big deal? Here is a list of documented uses for the wolfberry: aging, AIDS, allergies, Alzheimers, antioxidant, arthritis, asthma, ADD, bladder infection, brain health, cancer, high cholesterol, chronic fatigue, cleansing, degenerative diseases, depression, digestive system, energy, Epstein Barr Virus, eyes, fatigue, fibromyalgia, heart, hepatitis, immune stimulating, inflammation, flu, colds, kidney infection, liver cleansing, cell function, longevity, lupus, memory, MS, detox, obesity, PMS, skin problems, strength, stress, stroke, sugar cravings, and weight control!

Biochemists at NIN in the mid 1980s analyzed the Ningxia wolfberry and made the following discoveries (credit: Essential Oil Desk Reference 5th edition). They contain:

– 15% protein, necessary for the thymus gland
– 21 essential minerals and significant levels of vitamins
– richest known whole food source of vitamin B1, necessary for proper energy production, carb metabolism, and thyroid function.
– many important mineral/vitamin synergistic pairings

Improve your health and order NinXia Red today!

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